2024 Q1 AI Watch Series — Search

Angelina Yang
4 min readMay 27, 2024

Continuing our series on AI watch focusing on industry and vertical trends in AI, today, we’ll bring you information around AI search products.

But before that, let’s take a look at the hottest AI products (all domains) and how they are doing for the past year.👇

Hottest AI Products — Month-to-month Page View Change 2023–2024

Page View Trend for Top AI Products

Search Trend

The world of online search is experiencing a seismic shift with the advent of advanced AI technologies. As we delve into the latest stats and insights, it becomes evident that AI search products are poised to disrupt the landscape and redefine how we navigate the vast realms of information.

At the forefront of this revolution is the staggering growth of AI-powered search. With a ceiling total addressable market (TAM) of a staggering $203.8 billion, the market not only highlights the increasing adoption of AI search but also underscores its massive potential.

AI Search Products

Incumbents vs. Rising Stars

While industry giants like Google continue to dominate the search market, accounting…

